Sunday, March 22, 2009

Cashmere Mulligan

My favorite yarn store went out of business a couple years ago. But, a la Pollyanna, I found a silver lining. I was able to get the orange variegated cashmere that I had been eyeing for several months at a ridiculously reduced price (not to mention the fact that I was able to use my “frequent customer” gift certificate…).

When I got the yarn home, I literally just sat petting it for a while. I love cashmere. I was very excited because I had recently come across a stitch pattern called “dragon scales.” I love dragon books, and decided to wed my love of cashmere with my love of fantasy and make myself a scarf.

I cast on, and started out enthusiastically, for about 4 inches. Then I set the project aside and never picked it back up. This was over a year ago. I love the yarn. I love the stitch pattern. I do not love them together.

“Dragon Scales” is a semi-intricate/fussy pattern which is not shown off to its best advantage by the yarn’s coloring. Also, I started to realize that I might not have enough yarn to make the scarf a length that I would wear. (I tend to lean toward loooooonnnnngggg scarves.) As I got the yarn on sale from a now defunct LYS, I can’t just go out and buy more…and I can’t really afford to buy more online. So, what to do?

I am taking a Mulligan.

I have known I needed to for a while, but just couldn’t bear to admit defeat. I pride myself on my eye for color and design, and to say that something I envisioned just won’t work is hard. But, it needs to be done. I am unraveling the scarf.

I will still make the dragon scales scarf, but out of a solid colored koigu that I had in my stash. I will still make a scarf out of the cashmere, too, but using an adaptation of the waterfall lace pattern I used on Mom’s Christmas present. (The pattern highlights, rather than fights against, variegation.)

In the end even Superknitters need to admit their fallibility. I tried something. It didn’t work. Being a Superknitter means picking yourself up, moving forward, and not letting beautiful yarn languish due to your own pride.

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